
Regulatory: Chemicals & Biocides under REACH Regulation  – IUCLID

Regulatory affairs translations (i.e. for REACh chemicals) are our core business. Agrooh are experts in translating chemicals and biocides, providing multilingual solutions for Summaries of Product Characteristics (SPC) and Safety Data Sheets (SDS), product labels and European marketing authorisations in the 26 official languages (incl. EEA). Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish (Norwegian, Icelandic).

What does that mean?

Within EU member states, product certification/registration authorities request translations of these documents. This means that products marketed quickly throughout the EU once they have been mutually recognised.

Which documents do we translate?

  • Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for online IUCLID applications (i6z format files),
  • safety data sheets (SDS),
  • product labels and user manuals,
  • product registration decisions provided by authorities,
 In order to manage scientific data on chemicals in a regulatory context.

 What are the benefits of working with Agrooh?

We are industry experts who will save you time and money. Translations involving mutual recognition require a highly-skilled team with expert knowledge in chemicals. This team can then provide the following:

  • content analysis prior to translation, identifying reduced-rate repetitions
  • a terminology database highly-specialised in the chemical/agrochemical industry
  • a wide range of language combinations
  • rigorous translation quality management processes
  • a prompt and efficient service throughout the entire process

Our translation memories can identify repeated phrases or words in documents which can then be saved and used to supplement our technical databases. This repeated data, which may have been previously translated, means time and money saved i.e. faster turnaround and a reduced ratng6

regulatory affairs agrooh bioscience translations

Some of our clients in this market: Adama, Afrasa, Albaugh, Arche, Arysta, Battelle, Bayer cropscience, Certis Europe, Dow agrosciences, Dupont, Eurofins, Johnson, LKC, Reckitt-Benckiser, Redebel, Rifcon, Sumitomo Europe, Syngenta Agro

Do you need expert support for your translations in bioscience?

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